Webpage Interaction.


I think there should be some sort of online activities on this site, question and answer (you should have some of your own ideas that you’d like opinions on?) , trivia games to earn extra rewards, something engage users, give us something to think about while we’re here, and something to make users stay on the site longer, something to also interest guests.
@DaShine, This is very good idea about something like games and rewards. I will check what I can do... Maybe some ready solutions.

About questions: anyone can create there own threads with questions and receive rewards for new thread posting + passive income if others will like the thread
@DaShine, This is very good idea about something like games and rewards. I will check what I can do... Maybe some ready solutions.

About questions: anyone can create there own threads with questions and receive rewards for new thread posting + passive income if others will like the thread
Good…. I am well aware that people can post threads and all, but the admins should post their own questions too, you should engage your users too.