Random engagement

Random engagements, like I said before, this webpage has so much potential, with the right efforts, it could and would grow exponentially, like I also said, there should be a sense of order, the we page should have daily/weekly engagements , random topics from the Admins, brainstorm sessions for particular problems the blockchain might be facing, a good and free flowing customer relation should be in place.. Give the users of a clear view of the objectives and why they should invest there time and efforts here.
We need more users in the first place... Maybe when altcoin season will come, users will also follow... I see that a lot of big and pretty good crypto projects now not active anymore :-(

Do you have an idea where to get more users? :-)

Give the users of a clear view of the objectives and why they should invest there time and efforts here.

Now, I hope that if there will be more content then more users who are intresting in discussions will come from search engines maybe.
@adm, i do have ideas, but how do you plan on retaining them when you get em? What about your current users? What percentage have you engaged, if you can’t manage to engage this little amount how do you intend to manage and keep a large number?
We need more users in the first place... Maybe when altcoin season will come, users will also follow... I see that a lot of big and pretty good crypto projects now not active anymore :-(

Do you have an idea where to get more users? :)

Now, I hope that if there will be more content then more users who are intresting in discussions will come from search engines maybe.
@adm, Remember you don’t just want people to just “see” you, you want them to be interested and build interest…. To be engaged and engage others.